Tuesday 23 August 2011

Potential of Russian Water and Wastewater Treatment Market

Published: July 2011
Price: $ 6000

This research service provides an analysis of various aspects of the water and wastewater treatment market in Russia for the period between 2007 and 2017. The market has been divided into two segments: municipal and industrial. An analysis of the water and wastewater treatment market has been presented in each segment. The study highlights primary current situation of water and wastewater sector in Russia, drivers and restraints for market growth as well as possibilities and challenges that industry participants are likely to face from 2011 to 2017.

Table Of Contents
• Aims and Objectives
• Research Methodology
• Market Definitions
• Scope of Research
Executive Summary
•  Market Segmentation
•  Industry Challenges Market Drivers and Market Restraints
•  Revenue Forecast for Russian Water and Wastewater Treatment Equipment Market
•  Opportunity Analysis
•  Competitive Overview
•  Key Findings

Overview of the Russian Water and Wastewater Treatment Market
• Overview of Russia
• Russian Economic Overview
• Russian Demographics
• Russian Water Resources
• Water Consumption and Wastewater Discharge
• Overview of Russia Water Pollution Problems
• Management of Russian Environmental Protection
• Management Issues in the Water and Wastewater Sector
• Russian Legislation Related to Water and Wastewater
• EU-Russia Environmental Partnership
• Overview of Russia Water Strategy
• Funds for the Pure Water Federal Target Program
• Key Financing Sources in the Sector

 Forecast of the Russian Water and Wastewater Treatment Market
• Impact Mapping of Top Industry Challenges
• Top Industry Challenges
• Force Field Analysis of the Market Drivers and Restraints
• Impact Mapping of Key Market Drivers
• Key Market Drivers
• Impact Mapping of Key Market Restraints
• Key Market Restraints
• Market Engineering Measurements
• Revenue Forecast for Treatment Equipment Market
• Revenue Forecast by Application Segment
• Market Attractiveness and Growth by Key Segments
• Headline Data for Total Water nad Wastewater Market in Russia

Browse All: Power Market

Municipal Water and Wastewater Treatment Segment
• Coverage of Water Services
• Coverage of Wastewater Services
• Condition of Water and Wastewater Facilities
• Water and Wastewater Tariffs
• Structure of Municipal Water and Wastewater Sector
• Situation of Vodokanals
• Privatization of Water Utilities
• Overview of Tender Procedure
• Overview of Sewage Sludge Treatment
• Overview of Membrane Technologies
• Revenue Forecast for Municipal Segment
• Municipal Segment Revenue Share by Application
• New Build and Refurbishment of Infrastructure
• Municipal Water Treatment Revenue Forecast by Technology
• Market Attractiveness and Growth by Municipal Water Treatment Technologies
• Municipal Wastewater Treatment Revenue Forecasts by Technology
• Market Attractiveness and Growth by Municipal Wastewater Treatment Technologies

Industrial Water and Wastewater Treatment Segment
• Wastewater Discharge from Industrial Sectors
• Water Tariffs in the Industrial Segment
• Water Pollution Charge System
• Industrial Treatment Technology Development Factors
• Revenue Forecast for Industrial Segment
• Industrial Segment Revenue Share by Application
• Industrial Water Treatment Revenue Forecast by Technology
• Market Attractiveness and Growth by Industrial Water Treatment Technologies
• Industrial Wastewater Treatment Revenue Forecast by Technology
• Market Attractiveness and Growth by Industrial Wastewater Treatment Technologies

Competitive Analysis
• Russian Business Climate
• Private Business Involvement in the Public Sector
• Competitive Structure
• Competitive Tier Analysis
• Key Competitive Factors
• Possibilities for New Entrants
• Russian Standards and Certificates

End-user Analysis
• Key Municipal End-users
• Municipal End-user - MosVodokanal
• Municipal End-user - Vodokanal of St. Petersburg
• Municipal End-user - Rosvodokanal
• Key Industrial End-users
• Industrial End-user - Oil and Gas Sector
• Oil and Gas Sector - Gazprom Group
• Industrial End-user - Power Sector
• Power Sector Trends
• Power Sector - OJSC Enel OGK-5
• Industrial End-user - Pulp and Paper Sector
• Pulp and Paper Sector - ILIM Group
• Industrial End-user - Food and Beverage Sector

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