Monday 19 September 2011

An Executive Analysis on Passenger Rail Rolling Stock and Seating Systems Market in the U.S.

Published: September 2011
No. of Pages: 91
Price: $ 7000

The research provides an analysis of the passenger rolling stock and seating systems market in the United States. The study covers the market development for new rolling stocks across the key passenger segments such as commuter, light rail, metro, inter-city and high speed and identifies the seating demand for each of these segments. Approximately fourteen thousand new passenger rolling stock and one million seating systems are expected to be demanded by various rail transit operators between 2010 and 2020. The study also analyses the seating system trends across all passenger rail segments and identifies challenges and opportunities for seating system suppliers.

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Table of Contents
Aim and Scope of Study
Executive Summary
Megacities in U.S.
Market Overview
Overview of Seating Trends
Market Forecast Driving Forces
Vehicles Parked and Sales
Key Industry Challenges for Passenger Rail Rolling Stock and Seating Systems Market
Top 5 Takeaways
Commuter Rail Rolling Stock Market
Overview of Commuter Rail Systems Market
Key Market Drivers and Restraints
Commuter Rail Upcoming Projects
Commuter Rolling Stock Forecast
Commuter Rail Seating System Forecast
Competitive Landscape
Light Rail Rolling Stock Market
Overview of Light Rail Systems Market
Key Market Drivers and Restraints
Light Rail Upcoming Projects
Light Rail Rolling Stock Forecast
Light Rail Seating System Forecast
Competitive Landscape
Metro Rail Rolling Stock Market
An Overview of Metro Rail Systems Market
Key Market Drivers and Restraints
Metro Rail Upcoming Projects
Metro Rail Rolling Stock Forecast
Metro Rail Seating System Forecast
Competitive Landscape
Inter-city Rail Rolling Stock Market
Inter-city Rail Market: Amtrak Rail Network
Key Market Drivers and Restraints
Inter-city Rail Rolling Stock Forecast
Inter-city Rail Seating System Forecast
Competitive Landscape
High Speed Rail Rolling Stock Market
High Speed Market: The Birth of High Speed Rail in the U.S
Key Market Drivers and Restraints
High Speed Rail Upcoming Projects
Key Industry Challenges
Seating Trends
Future Seating Trends
Seating Cushion Foams
Regulations Impacting Passenger Seating Systems Market in the U.S.
Code of Federal Regulations
Conclusion and Recommendations
About Frost & Sullivan

List of Figures
Passenger Rail Rolling Stock and Seating Systems Market: Light Rails Overview (U.S.), 2010
Passenger Rail Rolling Stock and Seating Systems Market: Metro Rails Overview (U.S.), 2010
Passenger Rail Rolling Stock and Seating Systems Market: Commuter Rails Overview (U.S.), 2010
Passenger Rail Rolling Stock and Seating Systems Market: Inter-City and High Speed Rails Overview (U.S.), 2010
Passenger Rail Rolling Stock and Seating Systems Market: Seating Trends in Rolling Stock (U.S.), 2010
Commuter Rail Rolling Stock Market: Existing Networks (U.S.), 2010
Light Rail Rolling Stock Market: Existing Networks (U.S.), 2010
Metro Rail Rolling Stock Market: Existing Networks (U.S.), 2010
Metro Rail Rolling Stock Market: Rolling Stock Orders for Replacement Market (U.S.), 2010
Inter-city Rail Rolling Stock Market: Network Details (U.S.), 2010
High Speed Rail Rolling Stock Market: Network Details (U.S.), 2010
Passenger Rail Seating Systems Market: Seating Trends in Rolling Stock (U.S.), 2010
Passenger Rail Seating Systems Market: Benchmarking of Foams (U.S.), 2010
Passenger Rail Seating Systems Market: Flame Standards for Seating Systems (U.S.), 2010
Passenger Rail Seating Systems Market: Mergers and Acquisitions (U.S.), 2010
Passenger Rail Seating Systems Market: Competitor Portfolio (U.S.), 2010

List of Charts
Passenger Rail Rolling Stock and Seating Systems Market: Total Rolling Stock and Seating Systems Forecast (U.S.), 2010 and 2020
Passenger Rail Rolling Stock and Seating Systems Market: Top Five Industry Challenges (U.S.), 2011-2020
Passenger Rail Rolling Stock & Seating Systems Market: Top 5 Takeaways (U.S.), 2010
Commuter Rail Rolling Stock Market: List of Current Networks (U.S.), 2010
Commuter Rail Rolling Stock Market: Key Market Drivers and Restraints (U.S.), 2011-2020
Commuter Rail Rolling Stock Market: Key Market Drivers (U.S.), 2011-2020
Commuter Rail Rolling Stock Market: Key Market Restraints (U.S.), 2011-2020
Commuter Rail Rolling Stock Market: Upcoming Projects (U.S.), 2010
Light Rail Rolling Stock Market: Top 10 Light Rail Networks (U.S.), 2010
Light Rail Rolling Stock Market: Key Market Drivers and Restraints (U.S.), 2011-2020
Light Rail Rolling Stock Market: Key Market Drivers (U.S.), 2011-2020
Light Rail Rolling Stock Market: Key Market Restraints (U.S.), 2011-2020
Light Rail Rolling Stock Market: Upcoming Projects (U.S.), 2010
Light Rail Rolling Stock Market: OEM Market Share by Fleet Parked (U.S.), 2010
Metro Rail Rolling Stock Market: List of Current Networks (U.S.), 2010
Metro Rail Rolling Stock Market: Key Market Drivers and Restraints (U.S.), 2011-2020
Metro Rail Rolling Stock Market: Key Market Drivers (U.S.), 2011-2020
Metro Rail Rolling Stock Market: Key Market Restraints (U.S.), 2011-2020
Metro Rail Rolling Stock Market: Upcoming Rail Projects (U.S.), 2010
Metro Rail Rolling Stock Market: Rolling Stock Forecast (U.S.), 2011-2020
Metro Rail Rolling Stock Market: Seating System Forecast (U.S.), 2011-2020
Metro Rail Rolling Stock Market: OEM Market Share by Fleets Parked (U.S.), 2010
Inter-City Rail Rolling Stock Market: Key Market Drivers and Restraints (U.S.), 2011-2020
Inter-City Rail Rolling Stock Market: Key Market Drivers (U.S.), 2011-2020
Inter-City Rail Rolling Stock Market: Key Market Restraints (U.S.), 2011-2020
Inter-City Rail Rolling Stock Market: Rolling Stock Forecast (U.S.), 2010-2020
Inter-City Rail Rolling Stock Market: Seating System Forecast (U.S.), 2010-2020
Inter-City Rail Rolling Stock Market: OEM Market Share by Fleet Parked (U.S.), 2010
High Speed Rail Rolling Stock Market: Key Market Drivers and Restraints (U.S.), 2011-2020
High Speed Rail Rolling Stock Market: Key Market Drivers (U.S.), 2011-2020
High Speed Rail Rolling Stock Market: Key Market Restraints (U.S.), 2011-2020
High Speed Rail Rolling Stock Market: Upcoming Projects (U.S.), 2010
High Speed Rail Rolling Stock Market: Rolling Stock Forecast (U.S.), 2010-2020
High Speed Rail Rolling Stock Market: Seating System Forecast (U.S.), 2010-2020
Passenger Rail Seating Systems Market: Key Market Drivers and Restraints (U.S.), 2011-2020
Passenger Rail Seating Systems Market: Key Market Drivers (U.S.), 2011-2020
Passenger Rail Seating Systems Market: Key Market Restraints (U.S.), 2011-2020
Passenger Rail Seating Systems Market: Top Five Industry Challenges (U.S.), 2011-2020
Passenger Rail Seating Systems Market: Commuter Rail and Inter-City Seating Trends (U.S.), 2010
Passenger Rail Seating Systems Market: Light Rail and Metro Seating Trends (U.S.), 2010
Passenger Rail Rolling Stock and Seating Systems Market: Light Rail Seating Demand Snapshot (U.S.), 2010 and 2020
Passenger Rail Rolling Stock and Seating Systems Market: Metro Rail Seating Demand Snapshot (U.S.), 2010 and 2020
Passenger Rail Rolling Stock and Seating Systems Market: Inter-City and High Speed Rail Seating Demand Snapshot (U.S.), 2010 and 2020
Passenger Rail Rolling Stock and Seating Systems Market: Key Findings (U.S.), 2010
Passenger Rail Rolling Stock and Seating Systems Market: Recommendations (U.S.), 2010

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