Friday 25 November 2011

Demand Analysis of U.S. Cancer Sample Prep Market

Published: November 2011
Price: $ 6000

This analysis of the U.S. formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) sample prep market illuminates how the existing FFPE legacy in solid-tumor diagnostics is being transformed by advanced molecular techniques. Customer demand data collected by Frost & Sullivan provides the foundation for a market penetration model in which the relative growth stage of both the hospital and reference lab segments is determined. Furthermore, the adoption trend for FFPE sample prep automation is predicted by an install base forecast in clinical laboratories for 2011 to 2016. Companies that participate in the market include Qiagen, Life Technologies, and Roche Applied Sciences.

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Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary
Market Overview

2. U.S. Cancer Sample Prep Market
Market Overview

Scope and Segmentation
Research Methodology
Market Engineering Measurements
Industry Challenges and Strategic Recommendations

Industry Challenges
Strategic Recommendations
Market Drivers and Restraints

Market Drivers
Market Restraints
Demand Analysis

Market Penetration Model
Market Penetration Analysis
Installed Base Forecast
Revenue Forecast

Revenue Forecast Assumptions
Revenue Forecast Analysis
Competitive Structure

Competitive Structure
Product Analysis

Product Analysis
Voice-of-Customer Analysis

3. Appendix

Supplementary Data
Growth of FFPE Extraction Volume
Downstream Applications for FFPE Extractions
Reasons for Lab Send-Out of FFPE Extractions
Database of Cancer Research Centers

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