Thursday 13 October 2011

Asia Pacific Modular Instrumentation Markets

Published: September2011

This deliverable focuses on the Asia Pacific modular instrumentation market, covering the market for the established open standards VXI and PXI/PXIe. It discusses the key challenges faced by the industry, the key factors driving/restraining the market, and forecasts this market's future size. Forecasts by product types are also provided as well as competitive details on the leading market participants for each segment.

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Table Of Contents
1. Executive Summary
Market Overview
Competitive Overview
Major Research Findings
Opportunities and Forecasts
Key Findings
2. Market Analysis
Overview and Definitions
Research Scope
Market Engineering Measurements
Industry Challenges
Market Drivers
Market Restraints
Revenue Forecasts
Modular Instrumentation
VXI-based Test and Measurement Equipment
PXI-based Test and Measurement Equipment
Market Share Analysis
VXI-based Test and Measurement Equipment
PXI-based Test and Measurement Equipment
3. Appendix
Related Deliverables
Research Deliverables
Analyst Briefings
Movers and Shakers Interviews
Media Articles

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