Thursday 20 October 2011

European Markets for Computer Aided Detection

Published: September 2011

This research service provides a comprehensive analysis of the European Computer aided detection market. It includes an analysis of the challenges affecting the industry, factors driving and restraining the growth of the market and opportunities that participants can look forward to during the forecast period of 2010 to 2017. The report focuses on the European Breast, Chest, Colon, Prostate, Liver and Bone CAD markets. The study also analyzes the supply chain management of the CAD market. A detailed competitive analysis of market participants in the form of a SWOT analysis along with their product portfolio is also given.

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Table of Contents
1. Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
2. Executive Summary
Executive Summary
Industry Challenges and Drivers
Key Takeaway Messages
Research Methodology
3. European CAD Market
Total CAD Market (Europe)
Market Overview and Segmentation
Market Dynamics
Product Life Cycle Analysis and Market Engineering Measurement
Market Revenue Forecast and Revenue Contribution by Region
4. Segment Analysis for European CAD Market
European Breast CAD Market
Market Overview
Breast CAD Market Engineering Measurement
Breast CAD Market Revenue Forecast and Revenue Contribution by Region
European Chest CAD Market
Market Overview
Chest CAD Market Engineering Measurement
Chest CAD Revenue Forecast and Revenue Contribution by Region
European Colon CAD Market
Market Overview
Colon CAD Market Engineering Measurement
Colon CAD Revenue Forecasts and Revenue Contribution by Region
European Prostate CAD Market
Market Overview
Prostate CAD Market Engineering Measurement
Prostate CAD Revenue Forecasts and Revenue Contribution by Region
European Liver CAD Market
Market Overview
Liver CAD Market Engineering Measurement
Liver CAD Market Revenue Forecasts and Revenue Contribution by Region
European Bone CAD Market
Market Overview
Bone CAD Market Engineering Measurement
Bone CAD Market Revenue Forecasts and Revenue Contribution by Region
5. Geographic Analysis of European CAD Markets
Geographic Analysis of CAD Market - United Kingdom
Market Overview
CAD Market Revenue Forecast and Segment-wise Revenue Contribution
Geographic Analysis of CAD Market - Germany
Market Overview
CAD Market Revenue Forecast and Segment-wise Revenue Contribution
Geographic Analysis of CAD Market - France
Market Overview
CAD Market Revenue Forecast and Segment-wise Revenue Contribution
Geographic Analysis of CAD Market - Italy
Market Overview
CAD Market Revenue Forecast and Segment-wise Revenue Contribution
Geographic Analysis of CAD Market - Spain
Market Overview
CAD Market Revenue Forecast and Segment-wise Revenue Contribution
Geographic Analysis of CAD Market - Scandinavia
Market Overview
CAD Market Revenue Forecast and Segment-wise Revenue Contribution
Geographic Analysis of CAD Market - Benelux
Market Overview
CAD Market Revenue Forecast and Segment-wise Revenue Contribution
6. Competitive Analysis of European CAD Market
Competitive Analysis of Total European CAD Market
Product Portfolio and Competitive Environment
Market Participant Analysis
Pricing Studies
7. Decision Support Database
Decision Support Database for European CAD Market Study
Total Healthcare Expenditure - Public and Private
Number of Hospitals
Number of Clinicians
Per cent of Population 65 Plus
8. About Frost & Sullivan
Frost & Sullivan Description
Notes on Frost & Sullivan

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