Monday 24 October 2011

Opportunities in Cable Management Systems Market in Southeast Asia

Published: October 2011

This research service covers the Southeast Asia cable management systems market. In this study, cable management system (CMS) includes cable trays, trunkings, and conduits. In addition to the key research findings, this study highlights the market size, presents forecasts, describes the market trends and the competitive landscape, analyses the distribution chain, and lists other key trends. Separate chapters present the findings in the CMS markets in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. In 2010, the top three leading regions in the CMS market are Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia. However, by 2015, this scenario is likely to change with the emergence of Vietnam due to its rapid building construction.

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Table of Contents
1. Introduction
Introduction to the Research Service
Executive Summary
Market Overview
Overview of Southeast Asia
2. Total Market Analysis
Total Market Analysis of Southeast Asia
Total Market Analysis
3. Indonesia
Market Analysis of Indonesia
Indonesia Breakdown
4. Malaysia
Market Analysis of Malaysia
Malaysia Breakdown
5. The Philippines
Market Analysis of the Philippines
The Philippines Breakdown
6. Singapore
Market Analysis of Singapore
Singapore Breakdown
7. Thailand
Market Analysis of Thailand
Thailand Breakdown
8. Vietnam
Market Analysis of Vietnam
Vietnam Breakdown
9. Concluding Remarks
Conclusions and Other Information

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